Taught by industry experts, these courses offer an impressive slate of guest speakers and focus on immersive, practical coursework
Dickinson launched its graduate program in managing complex disasters earlier this year and has its first cohort enrolled. The graduate program is designed for U.S. and international professionals who want to serve as leaders addressing some of the most complex disaster and humanitarian challenges of our time. Students will gain the knowledge and experience to advance their careers. The program’s online platform allows students to complete an accredited master of arts degree or the requirements for a certificate without having to relocate or interrupt their careers.
If you’re considering pursuing the certificate or master’s in managing complex disasters, a great first step would be enrolling in courses available this fall (Aug. 30 - Dec. 17, 2021):
- 801 Managing Complex Disasters (professor TBA)
A survey course designed to introduce students to basic issues and concepts relating to human security. Students will discuss natural sources of disasters, including climate change, environmental degradation, and pandemics. They will also be introduced to human sources of vulnerability, including poverty, racism, marginalization and poor governance. Students will also discuss the prerequisites for effective emergency management.
- 840 Public Health and Disasters (William Ellis Bertrand, Wisner Professor of Public Health at Tulane University)
From the standpoint of public health, a disaster is defined on the basis of its consequences on population health and health services. The recent experience of COVID-19 has demonstrated how important public health is to the security of all populations. This course focuses on the role of public health throughout the disaster cycle (preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation) to help minimize the effects of disasters on communities.
- 851 Influence Operations in the Age of Networks (Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob, Visiting International Scholar at Dickinson College)
This course explores the theories, capabilities, functions, tools and techniques for influencing the attitudes and behaviors of targeted foreign audiences. Working through various case studies and scenarios, students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and analyze influence operations and counter their threats.
- 858 The Arctic (Benjamin Edwards, Moraine Chair in Arctic Studies and Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Dickinson College)
This course reviews the physical components of the Arctic, with a focus on physical geography, the cryosphere (glaciers, sea ice, permafrost), and potential economic resources, as well as the current strategic plans for Arctic Council member states, permanent members and observer nations. Course participants will engage in exercises and discussions to increase their spatial awareness of these entities and will examine the consequences of likely changes based on predicted temperature and precipitation models. They will also discuss the intersections of ecological and physical change caused by global warming with strategic Arctic policies developed by Arctic Council members and other entities (various branches of U.S. Armed Forces).
Taught by industry experts, these courses offer an impressive slate of guest speakers and focus on immersive, practical coursework that will translate to knowledge and skills that can be put to immediate use.
Read more about the courses online and register before classes begin Aug. 30.
If you’re interested in learning more, join faculty and contributors from Dickinson’s managing complex disasters graduate program for a Zoom webinar at 4 p.m. (EST) on Tuesday, Aug. 10, that will offer valuable insights into this distinctive program.
Published August 2, 2021