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Class Reunion Pages

Class of 1989

35th Reunion

Our 35th reunion took place during Alumni WeekendJune 7-9, 2024.

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Reunion Highlights

Our 35th reunion was a blast! Thank you to everyone who came to campus to celebrate with us. It was so much fun catching up, reminiscing, and celebrating one another’s accomplishments. We are thrilled to share some of the highlights of the weekend. 

women holding an award standing to the left of a manOn Friday evening at the Alumni Award Ceremony, we were beaming with class pride! Our very own Rachel Keen Hutchisson received the Distinguished Alumni Award for Professional Achievement for serving as a leader in corporate social responsibility, social impact and global communications throughout her career. Rachel can be applauded for creating and promoting data-based and values-informed initiatives that shaped employee experiences, purchasing decisions and corporate actions in areas including diversity and inclusion and sustainability.

Woman holding an award and shaking hands with a manIn addition, Cathy Banniganwas presented with the Outstanding Reunion Volunteer Award for her dedication, enthusiasm, and tireless efforts around planning activities, encouraging class engagement and increasing class participation in the Dickinson Fund. Cathy will also soon join Bruce Rychlik on the Alumni Council, to which she was recently elected. The Alumni Council’s mission is to activate the Dickinson alumni community by increasing and sustaining engagement between and among students, alumni, and the College. Can we think of a better representative than Cathy?

On Saturday morning, Felicia Graham Comisar led a yoga class in front of Old West and Ken Shultes, Dickinson’s Associate Vice President for Sustainability and Facilities Planning, led a Green Devil Tour, a fun and informational tour of campus sustainability projects and initiatives. Both were very well attended and received.

On Saturday afternoon, we gathered for a one-of-a-kind private event at the Goodyear Gallery on West Louther Street, where we were treated to paintings and prints by classmates Sungmin Kim Bobyak, Brad Heckman, Jen Johnson and Mike Weiss; sculpture by Laura Petrovich-Cheney; and a video screening of George Staib’s recent dance production. WDCV alumnus and current DJ volunteer Joe George provided the music. The exhibition will remain on display through September, so we encourage you to return to campus to see it in person. We will also work on a way of allowing other classmates, who could not attend or cannot easily get to campus, to see the works on-line.

group of people standing in an art gallery

Our class dinner Saturday evening was a joyous occasion. We began with a class photo on the steps of Bosler Hall, and then were surprised by a flash mob to the song "Never Gonna Give You Up," performed by various members of the reunion committee and choreographed by George Staib. Toward the end of dinner in the Stern Center, Cathy Bannigan addressed the class and thanked everyone for supporting our reunion whether they could be there in person or not. She indicated that everyone’s commitment and generosity allowed us to shatter every record for a 35th reunion in terms of attendance, number of contributors, and total dollars raised. The class then toasted all of our classmates who could not make it and we honored those classmates who have passed on. Cathy then welcomed President John Jones, who stopped by with his wife Beth and Celine Cunningham, the new Director of Athletics at Dickinson. President Jones provided an update on the strength of the College and various new initiatives that are underway. Rachel Keen Hutchisson also acknowledged the contributions of Lindsay McCauslin ’06, Associate Director of Class Giving at Dickinson, who was truly instrumental in making the reunion a success.

large group of people posed on the steps of a building

After dinner, Mark Sucoloski entertained us with his guitar, amazing vocals and an expansive array of songs. Dave Wargo took on the role of impromptu host of our class lounge in Morgan basement, which was well-stocked and a very inviting space that made everyone feel welcomed and included!

We can richly celebrate our collective philanthropy to the College. 

First, our class has contributed more than $495,850 for Dickinson, far surpassing our original goal of $250,000 for the year.  

Second, we created a scholarship initiative to establish a Class of 1989 Scholarship. We needed to raise $50,000 for the scholarship to be permanently endowed. WE DID IT! Thank you to everyone who contributed and especially Amy Barefoot, Gretchen Brigden and Ashley Brookes Richardson who provided generous matching gifts to help reach our goal.

Our final goals for the year are to reach 50% class participation and $500,000 raised for our class gift. We are almost there! We still need 24 more classmates and $4,150 to reach these goals!

To help the class get to 50%, several members of the reunion committee have offered to match all new class donations, up to a total of $1,989, that are received between June 1 - 30, 2024. We would like to reinforce that a donation of any amount is important to our class and Dickinson, and it represents another way we can show unity and support. Please make your gift before June 30 so it counts toward our reunion year.   

Thanks again to everyone who celebrated at our 35th Reunion.  Dickinson is a better place because of you! Please upload photos and comments to our class Facebook page, which will remain active, and share your feedback through the survey Dickinson recently sent. Let’s stay in touch and keep the momentum going from now until our 40th reunion! We strive to be more inclusive and would welcome anyone who would like to join the next reunion committee, plan additional events or participate in volunteer opportunities.

35th Reunion Class Gift

Dickinson brought us together more than three decades ago, and our experience as students had a profound impact on our lives. To honor these experiences, we are seeking to raise $250,000 $500,000 overall from at least 35% of our class to help support Dickinson students today and well into the future. As excited as we are for the opportunity to be together in June, we want to mark this important milestone with a truly meaningful gift. We are confident that the class of ’89 will rise to the occasion.

Make your gift now!


Overall Dollar Goal: $250,000 $500,000
Participation Goal: 35%
Multi-Year Pledges: 35
Class of 1989 Scholarship: $50,000 $100,000

Progress to Goals (as of 6/19/24)

Dollars: $495,850
Participation: 43.5%
Multi-Year Pledges: 17
Class of 1989 Scholarship: $108,642

Class of 1989 Scholarship Challenge

We are thrilled to launch an initiative this year to establish a Class of 1989 Scholarship at Dickinson. Our initial goal for the scholarship was to raise at least $50,000, which is the amount needed to endow the scholarship. We kicked off the initiative with the leadership of three very generous classmates, Amy Barefoot, Gretchen Ernest Brigden, and Ashley Brookes Richardson, who together pledged a total of $30,000 to the scholarship and invited classmates to help raise an additional $20,000. Within a short period this challenge proved to be an astounding success and we challenged the class to help us reach $100,000. Our class has since come together to raise over $108,000 for the Class of 1989 Scholarship. 

This scholarship will create a legacy for our class, a legacy that we can celebrate year after year in the form of students who grow, thrive and help make this world a better place. With the news from President Jones that the college now has a $10 million scholarship challenge from Sam Rose ’58—all our gifts to the class scholarship will be doubled over this next year. 

Rise to the challenge and join us in creating a legacy with the Class of 1989 Scholarship! Every little bit will help and will also count toward our overall reunion goals.

To support this initiative:

  1. Go to the online gift form.
  2. Select “Other” as your gift designation
  3. Type in “Class of 1989 Scholarship"

You can also email our class liaison, Lindsay McCauslin ‘06 at, or contact your assigned gift officer.

Multi-Year Pledges

There’s another way that you can help us meet our fundraising goals. Are you already an annual donor? Or do you want to be? If you commit this year (before June 30) to a multi-year pledge, the full amount of your pledge will count toward our overall dollar goal. If you set up a 5-year pledge, that will take you through to the next reunion, and all five of the installments will count toward this year’s totals. We loved this option so much that we set a goal of securing at least 35 multi-year commitments from our class this year.

To set up a multi-year pledge:

  1. Go to the online gift form.
  2. Select the "recurring" gift type.
  3. Select your installment amount and your designation ("Other" and type in Class of 1989 Scholarship, or select any other designation of your choice).
  4. Confirm your start date and installment frequency.
  5. Set it to continue for a "limited time"
  6. Add an end date (for a 5-year pledge with annual installments, for example, we recommend setting the end date to June 30, 2028). 

You can also email our class liaison, Lindsay McCauslin ‘06 at, for assistance with your gift and/or multi-year pledge, or contact your assigned gift officer. 

Participation Matters!

We would like to reinforce that a donation of any amount is important to our class and Dickinson, and it represents another way we can show unity and support. Each and every contribution will have an impact and will count toward our overall reunion goals, regardless of the size. When we gather for Alumni Weekend, we will be recognized—as a class—for our combined gifts to the college and to the Class Scholarship, and it all adds up. We want you to be included in this collective effort, so please join us in giving back! 

Make your gift now

Reunion Programming

The full schedule of events during Alumni Weekend can be viewed here. Here are a few highlights specifically for the class of 1989:

Class Lounge
Morgan Hall, 1st floor (basement)

Friday, June 7

5 p.m.: Alumni Award Ceremony
Please join in as Dickinson bestows the Alumni Association’s highest honors on this year’s award recipients and celebrates Volunteer Award-winners. 

6 p.m.: Welcome Back Reception
Join President John E. Jones III ’77, P’11, in a toast to celebrate Distinguished Alumni Award recipients and kick off the weekend at the new John M. Paz ’78 Alumni & Family Center! 

7 p.m.: Celebration Dinner
Enjoy a delicious dinner buffet and great company at this year’s Celebration Dinner on Morgan Field.

8:30–10:30 p.m.: Dessert & Music on the Plaza
Catch up with friends while enjoying coffee, dessert and music on Britton Plaza.

Saturday, June 8

10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.: Pickleball
Join alumni for some casual pickup games. All alumni are welcome. Please bring your own equipment.

Woman standing in a yoga pose

Felicia Graham Comisar '89 will lead a simple flowing vinyasa class on Saturday morning, June 8 at 11am.

11 a.m.–noon: Alumni College Activities


Join the yoga class led by classmate Felicia Graham Comisar ’89, or join the Green Devil Tour, a fun and informational tour of campus sustainability projects/initiatives led by AVP for Sustainability and Facilities Planning Ken Shultes ’89. These and other alumni college activities during this timeslot are open to all alumni. 

11 a.m.–3 p.m.: Alumni Food Truck Festival

1 - 3 p.m.: Class of 1989 Private Event (Goodyear Gallery)*
Join the class of 1989 for a private event where the creativity of various class members will be on display, beginning with WDCV’s very own Joe George, who will DJ the event. The event will feature paintings and prints by Sungmin Kim Bobyak, Jen Johnson, Mike Weiss, and Brad Heckman. Laura Petrovich-Cheney will show her works of sculpture, and videos of several of George Staib’s dance productions will be screened as classmates reconnect and learn about how Dickinson helped foster the creative lives of these talented artists.

*See below for more information on this event, including artists' bios and links to Q&As. 

5:30–6:30 p.m.: All-Alumni Reception
Mix, mingle and network with alumni, faculty, staff and professors emeriti.

7 p.m.: 35th Reunion Class Dinner (Great Room, Marc & Eva Stern Foundation Center for Global Education)

9–11 p.m.: The Dickinson Dance Party
Keep the celebration going during Dickinson’s Dance Party with music from Downtown Sound. Stop in for dessert and/or a drink and catch up with friends.

Sunday, June 9

9 a.m.: Memorial Tribute
Honor the milestone alumni the Dickinson community has lost during the past five years and alumni from all classes who were lost during the past year. 

9-11 a.m.: Champagne Brunch

Meet the Artists: Class of 1989 Exhibit at the Goodyear Gallery

Private Class Event on Saturday, June 8, 1-3 p.m.
This year, the class of 1989 moves their reunion gathering from Morgan Rocks to Dickinson’s Goodyear Gallery, where the creativity of various class members will be on display beginning with WDCV’s very own Joe George, who will DJ the event. The event will feature paintings and prints by Sungmin Kim Bobyak, Jenn Johnson, Mike Weiss, and Brad Heckman. Laura Petrovich-Cheney will show her works of sculpture, and videos of several of George Staib’s dance productions will be screened as classmates reconnect and learn about how Dickinson helped foster the creative lives of these talented artists.

Read more about each artist in the bios below. Be sure to click on the links to their Q&As to learn about the role that art plays in their lives and the impact that Dickinson had on their careers.

More bios coming soon! 

Woman standing in front of a poster displaySungmin Kim Bobyak '89

Sungmin graduated from Dickinson College in 1989 with a double major in Fine Arts and Sociology. Shortly after graduating college, she earned a Master of Education in Early Childhood Special Education from the University of Maryland. She taught young children with special needs for several years until the birth of her twins. Once the twins were born, she became a stay-at-home mom and eventually returned to the art world and began painting, exhibiting, and accepting commissions. Her paintings reside in homes throughout the U.S. and in Europe.

She is currently an active member of the Howard Pyle Studio Group. The Studio Group is a group of artists who create, collaborate, and exhibit in the historic studio that Howard Pyle once painted in and taught students, such as N.C. Wyeth. She works mostly in oils and although her subject matters are varied, her favorite things to paint are portraits of dogs and other adorable critters. She tends to use happy, vibrant colors to create fun paintings of whimsical, endearing animals with the hope of eliciting a smile. Her paintings reflect her huge inner child. It is a reminder to make time to play and to be playful, to nurture the inner child that is within us all.

She currently resides in Newark, DE with her husband, Brian Bobyak '89, her twins, and two sweet pups.

You can find her additional works on both Instagram: @sungminbobyak and Facebook:

Read this brief Q&A with Sungmin»

Joe George '89Man in a baseball cap and headphones standing at a DJ turn table

Joe George’s music taste is as eclectic as his DJing experiences. Joe’s current WDCV radio show “DJ Joe George presents Dig!” features an ever-changing mix of alternative rock, industrial, punk, R&B, hip-hop, jazz, and more. He prefers not to define his tastes other than describing it as “just good music.” The show’s name reflects his concept of digging through the multitudes of new music produced every day, while digging through the crates of the past, exploring connections between moments. A significant part of Joe’s weekly show focuses on these new releases, but he notes that artists from his youth, such as Kraftwerk, Roxy Music, Public Enemy, Fugazi and David Bowie have shaped and influenced how he hears newer music today.

Joe graduated in 1989 from Dickinson and was involved with WDCV all four years as a DJ, Music Director, and Program Director. His experiences in college bolstered his love for music and gave him the perfect opportunity to share his eclectic tastes with anyone listening, both on and off campus. He also worked regularly as a DJ in local nightclubs until 2013. He returned after a hiatus and resumed the role of a resident DJ until the recent pandemic shut many of the venues. He continues to provide freelance DJ services for all types of events, proving his eclectic tastes can fit into any function. Joe prides himself as being very good at judging the atmosphere of the event and can pick music that will entertain any crowd. Different venues demand certain sounds, specific artists, and genres; Joe enjoys creating “soundscapes” that please his customers and make the event memorable.

Outside of WDCV, Joe was the co-owner of Classic Rags, a beloved vintage clothing boutique that flourished after his graduation until a fire consumed the building and several others and put an abrupt ending to that chapter of his life. Joe then worked in retail banking for almost 20 years until another door sprang open and led to his current work at Appalachian Running Company, a premier local running store. 

He and his wife, Barrie Ann, also write art columns for local newspapers which have included The Sentinel and the Dillsburg Banner, in which they explore the fruitful art scene within and around central Pennsylvania.

Joe and Barrie Ann have lived in Carlisle together since 1991 and have two fantastic children, Trent and Sydney.

Listen to Joe George’s Dig! on Tuesdays6 a.m. to 8 a.m. on WDCV. It can be heard over air at 88.3 FM, streamed from the Web (Tune-In app or from the WDCV website) and through Smart Speakers.

Read this brief Q&A with Joe»

Brad Heckman '89Man posing for a headshot

Brad Heckman likes to draw and color, and whenever possible, leverage his skills to promote social justice. Most recently, Brad was a professor at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs, where he received the Excellence in Teaching Award. Previously, he was the founding Chief Executive Officer of New York Peace Institute, one of the largest community mediation services in the US. Brad has trained thousands of NYPD officers, the leadership NASA’s Johnson Space Center, community organizations, United Nations programs, emerging women leaders in the Persian Gulf, peacebuilders in Iraq, and corporations in more than 30 countries. His trainings, presentations, and keynote speeches include his own illustrations, pop culture, humor, and theater techniques.

Brad’s interest in promoting peaceful dialogue began while he was teaching at a University in Poland in 1989, witnessing the transition from Soviet rule to democracy through round-table negotiations. He was previously a Vice President of Safe Horizon, a leading victims’ services and violence prevention agency in New York City, where he oversaw programs related to domestic violence and human trafficking. He also served as International Director of Partners for Democratic Change, where he helped develop the first mediation centers in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, South Caucasus, and the former Soviet Union. This includes extensive work with the Romany population in various countries. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, TimeOut New York, NASH Radio, Telemundo, Univision, and other media outlets.

Brad is currently working with youth from throughout Iraq to empower them to build peace countrywide, against the backdrop of post-ISIS terror, trauma, and the devastation following years of war and authoritarian rule.

He received a Master of Arts in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Dickinson College. He is also an illustrator, whose work has been exhibited throughout the United States and internationally, including a permanent exhibition at the International Peace Museum and original work on sale at the Kurt Vonnegut Museum.

Follow Brad's work on Instagram @hecksign

Read this brief Q&A with Brad»

Woman sitting on a log in a creek with a dogJen Johnson '89

Jen Johnson earned her BA from Dickinson College, where she majored in International Studies and French. Early in her career, she worked in advertising and as a freelance writer. In 2007 she was engaged as a consultant and then was hired to build and lead a new marketing communications department for a nonprofit land trust dedicated to preserving Lancaster County's woodlands and waterways. Two years later she joined the communications department of Armstrong World Industries, a global manufacturer of residential and commercial flooring and ceilings. She went on to lead the Corporate Communications team for the company and served as the President and Director of the Armstrong World Industries Foundation. While at Armstrong, she started to pursue fine art, and it has since become her primary focus.

Go to to see Jen's work. 

Read this brief Q&A with Jen»

Laura Petrovich-Cheney '89Woman posing with wooden artwork

Laura Petrovich-Cheney is a visual artist with a focus on textiles, woodworking, and exploring the personal impact of climate change. Her recent sculptures engage in a dialogue between individual experiences and environmental concerns, drawing inspiration from traditional women’s arts such as needlework, weaving, and quilting. By repurposing discarded remnants, she creates sculptures that seek to uncover personal histories, identities, and memories.

In addition to her artistic practice, Laura is an active educator who frequently presents at national workshops. She holds a BA in Fine Arts and English Literature from Dickinson College, an MS degree in Fashion Design from Drexel University, and an MFA in Studio Arts from Moore College of Art and Design. During her time at Dickinson College, Laura studied abroad in Russia on two separate occasions, an experience that deeply influenced her artistic perspective. She was also inspired by the college’s commitment to sustainability and the work of Earth Science Professor Jeff Neimitz on the Arctic Circle.

Laura's artwork has been exhibited nationally in both solo and group shows, and has been featured in various national and international publications, including television, podcasts, and NPR radio. She has received numerous grants and fellowships, including the Fellowship in Sculpture and the Artist Fellowship in Crafts from the Massachusetts Cultural Council in 2021.

Visit Laura's website at

Read this brief Q&A with Laura»

George Staib '89Man posing with his arm leaning on the wall

George Staib is a Professor of Practice in the Dance Department of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the Artistic Director of staibdance, an Atlanta-based dance company that uses the transformative art of contemporary dance to explore universal aspects of the human experience that inspire, engage, and build community.

Born in Tehran, Iran, Staib began his dance training at Dickinson College in conjunction with the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet. He holds a BA in political science from Dickinson where he was an active member of the Dance Theater Group, Mermaid Players, Choir and Follies. He also earned an MFA in dance and choreography from Temple University where he served on the faculty upon graduation.

At Emory, Staib teaches modern and ballet techniques, choreography, and “Contemplate, Create, Debate”, a freshman seminar designed to introduce students to the practice of seeing and making art. He is also an Executive Board member and adjudicator for the American College Dance Association, a contributing writer and critic for ArtsATL and has been distinguished by the Atlanta Regional Commission as an Arts Leader of Metro Atlanta

A recognized dance educator and choreographer, George is also an advisor to honors students and a regular guest artist and instructor around the world. Staib is a two-time recipient of Emory’s prestigious Winship Award, taking him to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to study and conduct choreographic workshops. He is a past dancer with several noted dance companies and his choreographic work has been commissioned across the United States and abroad. Since the founding of staibdance, he and the company have been awarded funding from agencies such as The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, The Latham Foundation, The National Endowment for the Arts, The New England Foundation for the Arts, South Arts and The Vail Family Foundation.

Visit George's website at

Read this brief Q&A with George»

Mike Weiss '89Man in a ball cap painting on a hanging canvas

Michael Weiss is a Baltimore-based artist who uses traditional painting and stained glass materials and methods to create contemporary images containing oblique, but not opaque content. He has exhibited widely throughout the region and his work is a part of numerous private and corporate collections.

In 2022 he concluded 11 years serving as the Associate Dean of Fine Arts at the Maryland Institute College of Art to return to his role as an artist and a full-time faculty member teaching in the Drawing, Foundation (now FYE), General Fine Arts, and Painting departments.

Weiss has received grants from the Creative Baltimore Fund and the Maryland State Arts Council.

You can find out more about Michael and his work at

Hotel Accommodations

Town of Carlisle: Where to Stay

Class of 1989 Reunion Committee

Lynne Avdellas | 
Cathy Bannigan | | 704-699-7007 
Amy Barefoot | | 804-339-9950 
Tonia Bleecher | | 240-606-5434 
Gretchen Ernest Brigden | | 917-297-5025 
Dave Carlson |  | 973-632-3485 
Sally Douglas | 
Jim Green | | 443-690-7233 
Rachel Keen Hutchisson | | 843-270-5824 
Melissa Junior | | 202-294-5729 
Laura Keys | 
Lee Anne Atkins Mangone | | 828-230-0814 
Meg Beaver Martin | | 301-266-3003 
Jenny Dotts Miller | | 610-585-4975 
Amy Murillo-Rangel | | 201-937-7529 
Susi O'Meara | | 484-802-6690 
Courtney Taylor Piron | | 202-716-3100 
Ashley Brookes Richardson | | 410-868-1474 
Bruce Rychlik |  | 781-820-9714 
Kathleen Sweeney Scheier | | 973-590-9744 
Randi Silverberg | | 804-814-4689 
Dave Strouse | | 443-695-5441 
Molly Banks Talley | | 717-385-2495 
Dave Updike |  | 410-274-7651 
Dave Wargo | | 347-351-9570 
Ellen McGlinn Wilson | | 267-872-1481 

Staff Liaison
Lindsay Powell McCauslin ’06
Associate Director of Annual Giving
Phone: 717-254-8981

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List of Carlisle Restaurants