Wondering whom to contact in the CGSE about a specific question? Find it here!
I want to know more about or be on the Global Education Advisory Committee (GEAC): Samantha Brandauer
I have a strategic question about the International Students and Scholars or want to talk about new initiatives: Samantha Brandauer
I have a strategic question about Education Abroad or want to talk about new initiatives: Samantha Brandauer
I have strategic questions about the intercultural competence initiatives in the CGSE: Samantha Brandauer
CGSE international student and scholar services team:
- Samantha Brandauer, Associate Provost & Executive Director, Center for Global Study and Engagement
- Melodi Hendrickson, Director, International Student and Scholar Services, Center for Global Study and Engagement
- Kristine Barrick, Program Manager, Center for Global Study and Engagement
- Nidia Werner, Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Services, Center for Global Study and Engagement
- Jenny Rasmussen, Administrative Assistant, Center for Global Study and Engagement
I need support with/advice about an International Student/Exchange Student: Melodi Hendrickson, Nidia Werner, or Kristine Barrick
I need support with an International Scholar/Visitor who is already on campus: Melodi Hendrickson
I want to talk about bringing an International Scholar/Visitor to campus: Samantha Brandauer or Melodi Hendrickson
I want to plan an event with or for international students/exchange students: Melodi Hendrickson or Nidia Werner
I have questions about visa or immigration regulations (F-1, J-1, OPT, CPT, etc.): Melodi Hendrickson, Nidia Werner, or Kristine Barrick
I have questions about the War College Fellows program: Melodi Hendrickson or Nidia Werner
I need data, reports or statistics about International Students/OSAs/Exchange Students/Visiting Scholars: Kristine Barrick
CGSE education abroad team:
- Samantha Brandauer, Associate Provost & Executive Director, Center for Global Study and Engagement
- Katie DeGuzman, Dean and Director, Education Abroad
- Marissa Mitchell, Associate Director, Education Abroad
- Jesse Phillips, Interim Associate Director, Education Abroad
- Kristine Barrick, Program Manager, Center for Global Study and Engagement
- Jenny Rasmussen, Administrative Assistant, Center for Global Study and Engagement
I am interested in developing a new short-term program (summer, mosaic or globally integrated): Katie DeGuzman or Jesse Phillips
I need help with expense reports for costs incurred for work with education abroad programs: Jenny Rasmussen
I have questions related to recruitment, promotion, advising, eligibility, preparation, visas, etc. for a Dickinson or partner program: Visit the Global Advising page to find the corresponding CGSE contact.
I have questions about a student doing a non-Dickinson program: Katie DeGuzman
I have questions about course approvals or credit transfer: Katie DeGuzman or Kristine Barrick
I have questions about the education abroad application cycle, process, or recommendations: Kristine Barrick
I need data, reports or statistics about education abroad: Kristine Barrick
I have questions about a short-term program I am leading: Katie DeGuzman
I have questions about the fall study abroad fair: global@dickinson.edu
I have questions about support or programming for returned study abroad students: Marissa Mitchell or Jesse Phillips
I want to know more about or participate in intercultural pre-departure orientations: Katie DeGuzman or Samantha Brandauer
I have questions about program budgets or curricula: Samantha Brandauer
I would like to invite Global Ambassadors or returned study abroad students to an event: Marissa Mitchell or Jesse Phillips
I have questions about resident director cycles & applications: Samantha Brandauer
I need help with a visa for my CGSE-related international travel: corresponding CGSE staff member: Marissa Mitchell or Jesse Phillips
I have questions about the insurance and Global Assistance Program for my CGSE-related international travel: Daniel Berndt, Director of Compliance and Risk Management, or corresponding CGSE staff member: Marissa Mitchell or Jesse Phillips
Don’t see your issue above? Call the main line x1341 or email global@dickinson.edu and someone will direct you.