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The Willoughby Institute

Inspiring Faculty to Engage Students with Technology

The Willoughby Institute for Teaching with Technology

The Willoughby Institute for Teaching with Technology is a year-long opportunity for Dickinson faculty to develop effective, media-rich courses. The program provides training and support to help faculty design and deliver courses that use technology to engage students in active learning.

Fellows will learn about new modes of visualizing information and genres of scholarly communication, as well as pedagogical models for using new media in the classroom. A cohort of fellows is selected each year with representation from Divisions I, II, and III, and receive a stipend for their participation.

Fellows participate in a Summer Institute in mid-August focusing on new media and modes of scholarly communication, from blogs and wikis to podcasts and GIS. The institute is followed by meetings throughout the academic year, designed to foster collaborative learning and critical conversation among fellows as their courses are being developed and taught. Each fellow is assisted by an LIS course liaison who coordinates technical and pedagogical support as well as access to resources throughout the program.

Professors talk about Technology

Willoughby Fellows

Fellows listed by department and division

Fellows will learn about new modes of visualizing information and genres of scholarly communication, as well as pedagogical models for using new media in the classroom.

Willoughby Topics


Workshops and discussion topics 

Tools covered in the workshops have included 3D printing, gaming, and augmented reality as well as more mainstream tools such as blogs, video, and podcasts. Several hours are also dedicated during the week solely for discussion among faculty focusing on planning, assessment, and integration of the tools.

Willoughby Projects


Examples of faculty and student projects 

Because one of the the themes for the fellowship is openness, many of our faculty class and research projects are available online.  The list is not extensive, but includes examples from the most common topics covered.

Student impact

Student Impact

Academic Technology compiled a report to ascertain the impact of the fellowship had had by looking at faculty who had completed the program and their subsequent courses.

Fellows Say

Fellows Say

At the end of the week, faculty fill out a short survey requesting their feedback on workshops themselves, the topics and suggestions for future sessions.



Call for participation is closed